Analysis of COVID-19 News Coverage

By Donna Baeck

Most of the news coverage on the coronavirus is usually breaking news or updates about the virus. However, some articles have been focusing on the individuals directly impacted by the virus. One strong example is a New York Times article titled, "Two Women Fell Sick From the Coronavirus. One Survived." that was published on March 13.

This story focused on two health care professionals, Deng Danjing and Xia Sisi, who were working in the frontlines of the outbreak in Wuhan. Ms. Deng, a nurse, and Dr. Xia, a gastroenterologist, were both infected with the coronavirus but had very different outcomes.

The writer does a good job of giving a brief introduction of Ms. Deng and Dr. Xia. The first paragraph talks about their family backgrounds and hobbies. In breaking news coverage, coronavirus victims are usually just included in a total number of positive cases. This NYT article puts a name and face to those who are affected and helps the readers to realize the virus can infect anyone.

The next few paragraphs discuss the timeline of Ms. Deng and Dr. Xia's effort to treat their coronavirus infection. Dr. Xia died from the virus even though she looked like she was recovering, which confused the medical staff. This story broke my heart, but I think this story is another reminder of the importance in social distancing. Dr. Xia was infected from her patients, but I think her tragic story is a stronger wake up call than any breaking news update. Hearing the stories of the victims and the loved ones they left behind remind us how serious this virus is and why we should stay home.
